Friday, October 01, 2010

Jake Loves to Run!

Carrillo Elementary has a running club, and boy does Jake love it.  For every 5 miles they run they get a foot charm to go on a necklace they wear.  They also get various awards for certain milestones, like tshirts, trophies, food gift cards, and ice cream tickets.  It is so effortless when he runs.  He has run 45 miles in only a few weeks of school!  The first week he had blisters all over his toes, so Nana got him some new shoes.  One day the temperatures got over 100, and even though his teacher and I told him not to run, he still did (and ended up getting sick later in the day).  He wakes up every morning and comes running in to make sure he is not late for before running school.  I am interested to see if this excitement lasts throughout the year.  He got his first 25 mile award today at flag salute.  He was so excited he could hardly sleep last night.  Maybe a future track runner?

1 comment:

Nana Cheri said...

Jake! You've gone from "Jake the Silly Snake" to "Jake the Jet." You are flying around the track--I heard your latest is 75 miles!! Nana Cheri & Papa Pete are so proud of you!