Saturday, June 20, 2009

Corocodile Doc Vacation Bible School

The boys went to their first Vacation Bible School. It was at Grace church in Vista. They had a GREAT time. I couldn't believe all the stuff they did, and all the stuff they came home with. Jake loved the music and mini-concerts each day. They were at the same table, so Jake watched out for his little brother. I can't wait for next year.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

things that come out of their mouths cont'd

Ty - Mama, "that is it, no more poopies (never thought I would say or write that word before kids) today, all three of you have pooped and we are done", Ty looks at me with deep concern and says "peepees to mama?"

Jake - I was in the car with my two cousins that were visiting from Colorado, along with all three kids. We had talked about visiting the beach, and when I asked my cousin if he still wanted to go, he said "No, I'm good", then I hear a small voice in the way back say, "I'm not good." Apparently he wanted to go to the beach.

Kylie - Today I was calling for Matt from downstairs. Then I hear Kylie look up the stairs and call out some sound. She was calling him too. So funny!

Jake - "mama, how many calories is this donut?"

Monday, June 01, 2009

Jake's Preschool Graduation

I can't believe Jake is going to be in Kindergarten. I think he is ready. He hasn't been enjoying preschool as much lately, so I think he is ready for more of a challenge. He will miss his friends Sebastian and Daniel, and his teacher Mrs. Swan. Now it is Ty's turn for preschool!