Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a very busy Easter this year, starting with getting all the kids in their new Easter outfits. Jake likes to be comfortable and it took almost an hour of convincing to get it on him. Everything was itchy and too long or too short or too tight. He wore it for the picture and then we took it off. Ty on the other hand loved it and insisted on wearing hid tie for the next three days. Kylie could care less what she is wearing. We went to church, then to my dad's, my mom's, and then Matt's moms.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Date Night with the Werts

Todd and Shereen joined us on our Thursday date night. We had so much fun. We went to dinner in Balboa Park and had a few too many glasses of wine. We ordered a fun dinner that came with wine pairings at each course. It only makes Shereen and I talk more and maybe a little louder. Then we went to La Jolla and walked out on the jetty to see the seals. Heeding all warnings from by-standers we were determined to go to the end and hoping our strong men would protect us from any crashing waves. We made it safely and even managed to take these pics. It brought back memories of when Matt and I had our engagement pictures taken and were overtaken by a wave while our backs were to it. All we saw was our photographer running to save his camera!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt at San Marcos Lutheran

The boys enjoyed the annual egg hunt at Jake's preschool!

9 months goes by way too fast!

Hard to believe my baby is already 9 months. The first 8 she was very mellow and hardly smiled or cried, but now is seems she has finally gotten comfortable with her surroundings. She is smiling, laughing, clapping, waving, having fits,and climbing all over those brothers. She is very busy and into everything. She cracks us up!!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Where's the paint mama

I was reading to the boys on the couch and noticed Kylie was awful quiet on the other side of the couch. I asked Ty so see what she was up to, and he said "in the paint mama" She was as happy as could be lapping up paint with her mouth and rubbing her belly in it. Jake had taken it off the counter and put it on the tile. It was non-toxic and her tongue was only green for a little while. Yikes!!