Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Baby Room!

As you can imagine, I was so excited to decorate a girl's room. Matt was wonderful and painted the room for me and hung the beautiful chandelier my mom got for the baby. Then my mom came over and made the pillows and tablecloth. Then Matt's mom and grandma took boxes of clothes my amazing friends gave me to borrow, and the new ones I have been getting, and washed and organized them all. At my shower I got lots of beautiful things to decorate the room, and my mom came over to put the finishing touches on, including hanging the pictures. I am officially done, and love to just hang out in the room. So do the boys, although I try to keep them out for now. Every once in a while I will walk in and find a toy on the floor... evidence! I guess they are as excited as we are.


Jenn said...

WOW-- the babies room is amazing! What a very lucky girl! Pretty soon...

Sharon & Jacob said...

Wow, someone is definitely nesting! How beautiful, oh I just love that stage where everything is ready for the baby to come. Now, come baby!! We're so excited for you. Btw, do you have a "hooter hider" yet? If not, I'm getting you one, they are the best. I love mine.

Heather said...

LOVE it! Can't wait to meet her!! =)