Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dinner at the Beach

We met Nana Di, Papa Ted, and Uncle Dave at the beach for some dinner and fun.  The kids sure love the beach even though it was quite cold.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kylie Turns 2

Kylie had a very special birthday.  We spent her actual day at the pool with Nana and Papa, then she had a party at the park with her friends, and finally she got a kitchen from Nana Shell that we setup in her room.

Kylie has grown so much in the last year.  I love watching her personality grow.  She is just starting to watch TV and enjoys shows like Yo Gabba Gabba and Blues Clues.  She is very sweet, but also wants her way.  She loves her brothers and they still adore her.  Her favorite book is "How do I Love You."  She loves to play outside and climbs some pretty scary playground contraptions.  She loves to eat anything and everything.  Her smile can melt your heart.  Her speech is still behind, but it doesn't stop her in communicating everything she needs.  She has fit right in to our family.

At her appt she was
28.5 pounds (65%)
36" tall (85%)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Vegas Baby!

view from our room!  we got to watch the TI show every night.

Playing games at Excalibur

waiting for the car with my cutie
jumping on the bed in our room...oops
Nana Di took us to Vegas for the weekend.  We stayed at the beautiful Palazzo.  We spent most of our time at the pool and hanging out in the Venetian.  We stopped at the gelato stand at least once each day.  The kids did great!

Monday, July 05, 2010

My Brother and Sister

A rare photo of me with my brother and sister...and all in black :)  We were visiting our Aunt and Grandma in Upland on Krissi's way back to Arizona.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4th of July

We celebrated 4th of July at the Oceanside Pier with everyone else :)  Uncle Steve was home from South Korea to celebrate.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Baby Sophie is here!

Our sweet niece Sophie arrived today!  She is precious and reminds me so much of my babies.  It brought tears to my eyes.  The boys are excited to gain another cousin.  Congrats to Uncle Mike and Aunt Neen!