Friday, September 26, 2008

My baby has rolls!!

I finally got a baby with rolls. I took Kylie for her 2 month appt and she is in the 90% for height and weight. I was shocked! My boys never had a roll on them. I just love pinching her chubby thighs! She also has milky white skin, which is so different from the boys. She is such a sweet baby....we are having a ball!!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Gang

Love this picture because it almost has everybody from my playgroup. Playgroup almost sounds funny nowadays, since these are my core group of friends that are much more than a playgroup!! Since this seems to be my most up to date form of a scrapbook I have got to list the names so when I look back I will know who is who. OK, on the top from left to right: Sarah, Andrew, Tyler, Mira, Emily, Devin, Natalie. Bottom left to right: Hayden, Ben, Jake, Luke. We are missing Meggie, Kylie and of course the baby in Chas's tummy! I am so excited because it is so hard to get everyone together nonetheless have them sit still long enough to get a picture.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008